The Wars of the Crusades 1096-1291

Projet BeaucéantThe Knights Templar at War 1120 - 1312

Auteur : Paul Hill
Pen & Sword 2018

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Description :

There are many books about the Knights Templar, the medieval military order which played a key role in the crusades against the Muslims in the Holy Land, the Iberian peninsula and elsewhere in Europe. What is seldom explored is the military context in which they operated, and that is why Paul Hill s highly illustrated study is so timely, for he focuses on how this military order prosecuted its wars.

The order was founded as a response to attacks on pilgrims in the Holy Land, and it was involved in countless battles and sieges, always at the forefront of crusading warfare. This absorbing study examines why they were such an important aspect of medieval warfare on the frontiers of Christendom for nearly two hundred years.

Paul Hill shows how they were funded and supplied, how they organized their forces on campaign and on the battlefield and the strategies and tactics they employed in the various theatres of warfare in which they fought. Templar leadership, command and control are examined, and sections cover their battles and campaigns, fortifications and castles.

This in-depth reassessment of the Templars also shows how they were considered central to any new plans to regain the Holy Land after the Fall of Acre in 1291.

L'auteur :

Paul Hill is well known as a lecturer, author and expert on medieval warfare and military archaeology, and he has written several books on these subjects, among them The Age of Athelstan: Britain's Forgotten History, The Viking Wars of Alfred the Great, The Anglo-Saxons at War 800-1066 and The Norman Commanders: Masters of Warfare 911-1135.

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