The Knights Templar in Yorkshire

Projet BeaucéantThe Knights Templar in Yorkshire

Auteur : Diane Holloway & Trish Colton
History Press - 2008

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Description :

Where in Yorkshire can you see an effigy of a Templar? What prompted King John to hand England over to an Italian? Who worked for the Templars in Yorkshire? Packed with information, The Knights Templar in Yorkshire answers all these questions and many more.

This new book explores what medieval life was like during the Templars' stay in Yorkshire. Not only was it the biggest county in Britain, but in Templar terms it was also the richest. They owned more land, property and people in Yorkshire than in any other county in England.

This fascinating volume takes the reader on an intimate tour of the ten major Templar sites established in Yorkshire, and reveals what life was like for their inhabitants - how the land was farmed, what the population ate, how they were taxed, and local legends. Illustrated with an intriguing collection of photographs and specially-commissioned maps, this book is sure to appeal to anyone interested in medieval history.

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Templars Route European Federation - Christophe Staf
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