The Rule of the Templars

Projet BeaucéantThe Rule of the Templars

Auteur : J. M. Upton-Ward
The Boydell Press 2002

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Description :

This book présents for the first time an English translation of Henri de Curzon's 1886 edition of the French Rule, derived from the three extant medieval manuscripts. Both monastic rule and military manual, the Rule is a unique document and an important historical source.

The Rule is divided into seven main sections: the Primitive Rule, Hierarchical Statures, Penances, Conventual Life, the Holding of Ordinary Chapters, Further Details on Penances, and Reception into the Order. There are details of the clothing, armour and equipment to which each brocher was entitled: instructions to the brothers as to their conduct while on campaign, and information on the daily life of the members of this most influential military order, and on the monastic discipline which made it a formidable fighting force.

The Rule evolved over almost one hundred and fifty years of the Order's history, and is thus a dynamic piece of work showing how the Templars adapted to political change and formulated their disciplinary code. An Introduction gives the historical background to the Rule and summarises the various sections.

L'auteur :

Judith Mary Upton-Ward is an independent scholar researching the Crusades and Ottoman History.

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Templars Route European Federation - Christophe Staf
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